- Church School — Christian education for preschoolers through high school. Offered during the school year after Sunday Divine Liturgy.
- Coffee Hour hosting — parish families that regularly offer coffee fellowship after Sunday Divine Liturgy.
- Growth Committee — Tasked with the health and numerical growth of the parish.
- Men's Fellowship — Parish men's ministry that meets regularly for mutual support and fellowship.
- St Herman's Outreach — Providing meals to the homeless by regularly preparing and serving meals at St Herman's House/FOCUS in Ohio City.
- Library — Parish lending library with books on the Orthodox Faith.
- Parish Council — The "governing board" of the parish.
- Prayer Ministry — Parishioners committed to praying regularly for the parish's needs and the community at large.
- Teen SOYO — Parish teen ministry organized around the four pillars of (1) worship, (2) witness, (3) service, and (4) fellowship.
- Worship Ministries — all ministries related to offering public worship in the parish
- Altar servers — boys and men who assist the priest in offering the church's services.
- Choir, chanting, and reading — those who assist with services through singing and reading at divine services.
- Flowers/decorating — providing flowers and decorating the church for major celebrations during the Church Year (Pascha, Palm Sunday, Nativity, the Bishop's visit).
- Greeters — Those who greet guests as they arrive for Sunday Divine Liturgy.
- Prosphora bakers — bakers who prepare and offer the holy bread used for communion in the Divine Liturgy.

All services at 18046 Chillicothe Rd/Hwy 306 in Bainbridge, OH, 44023.